Thursday, January 25, 2007


Use the "N-word" in one Texas town if you want to, but it'll could cost you $500.

Mayor Ken Corley of Brazoria, Texas, which is about 65 miles south of Houston, says one night while watching two Black ministers on TV talk about how offensive the word is, he came up with idea.
The 62-year-old mayor says while the racial slur isn't a particular problem in his town, it is a problem nationally.
"I just think it would be great if this little town of Brazoria, with 2,800 people, leads the way in fighting against this offensive language," said Corley.
Under the ordinance, violators who use the word in an offensive or aggressive manner would be charged with disturbing the peace.
You may recall last month, Damon Wayans was fined $320 by The Laugh Factory (the infamous location of Michael Richards’ racist tirade) for using the word “nigger” 16 times. The Laugh Factory decided that each “nigger” was worth a mere $20, bringing Wayans’ fine total to just over $300.
If Corley gets his way with this new rule, the rule would be expanded to include other racial slurs.
Corley, who is White, says he often heard the "N-word" growing up in Brazoria County, but now he says he mainly hears it in rap music and used by young people to greet each other and says the ordinance he wants to put in place would allow the "N-word" to be used a s friendly greeting.

to be honest some ppl do use it any where like da hell wit it / who cares but we [blk ppl] have the right to say it sh!t all dat we went thru so this jus pissed me off for the day..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is this a joke?