Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Timbaland Didnt Write Furtado Track!

YouTube Clip Claims Timbaland Got Furtado Track From Finnish Dude

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A YouTube video floating around the Internet is making a controversial claim: that multiplatinum producer Timbaland might be guilty of violating his very own first rule of Beat Club — no biting.

A YouTube user named TimbalandRips
posted a brief clip on the Web site last week that accuses the veteran hip-hop beatsmith of stealing a melody from a little-known Finnish producer named Janne Suni. The video claims Timbaland used Suni's "Acidjazzed Evening" without permission for Nelly Furtado's "Do It," a track from the Canadian singer's most recent album, Loose.

In the video, portions of Suni's song are played first, followed by parts of Timbaland's track, with a recording program indicating the similarities between the two compositions on a computer screen. Toward the end of the clips, text appears asking, "Hm, strangely perfect fit..?"

A second YouTube video has also popped up, suggesting Timbaland used the same Suni work for a ringtone he produced last year titled "Block Party."

Timbaland's representatives had not responded to phone and e-mail queries at press time. A message on a Web site with a Finnish address that appears to be Suni's official site reads, "I have been using the services of a law firm since September 2006. I expect to have more information to publish by Tuesday." The site also indicates that Suni composed "Acidjazzed Evening" under the name Tempest in 2000 for Assembly, a demoparty, or a regular gathering of computer enthusiasts.

Click Here To Read The Full Article.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Timbaland have stolen a young finnish demomaker's tune !
It's a shame, even if I like hip-hop, I can't understand this way of making music. LUCK LUCK and LUCK

You can replace L by F if you want, it'will be a new and nice tune !